Thursday, September 10, 2009

You get what you pay for...

... in most cases.

As we crossed the border into Austria on Tuesday, Morgan commented on the change in the roads. We had gone from the ever present 1.5 lane strips in the Czech Republic to a beautiful highway with (gasp!) a line down the center. When we stepped off the shuttle and on to a Salzburg city bus, however, we were in for a rude awakening. 2 euros (3 dollars) each for a 10 minute bus ride! Suddenly we had the realization that we were going to be paying through the nose. Tomorrow we hop on a train to Innsbruck, at 32 euros a person. A train across the Czech Republic cost about a quarter of that.

That being said, we have done pretty well for ourselves. The Braunschmid family has allowed us to use their extra bikes, and we have ridden around Salzburg every day here. We bought yogurt and Muesli for breakfast, and the Braunschmids have fed us dinner (we are making fritatas for them tonight). For lunch...


... the Bosna Grill! Once you take a bite, all concerns about what it's made of fly out the window. Justin, you would be in heaven. Under 3 euros a pop, just over what El Capitan would charge. Of course the most base purpose of couchsurfing has also helped us, and tomorrow night we are dropping 75 Euros for one night in a hotel. Bummer, but then we will have 5 straight days of free room.

Obligatory Salzburg photo:


Burpee count: 2


Unknown said...

You guys probably ate more animals in those two tube steaks than they have in the San Diego Zoo. How do you say "Tums" in German? I'm glad to hear you are eating well. The local fare will only get wilder the further east you go.
PS the hill climb is sunday.

Nicole Kristine said...

Two? Seriously, I've done more than that since you left.

I am not impressed.