Monday, September 14, 2009

The Braunshmid Family

Day 11

What do Morgan and I like to dowith friends? Talk, play games, and share meals. Lucky us, because with the Braunschmid family that is exactly what we did!

When we arrived in Salzburg and (eventually) found our way to their house, we were greeted by sisters Verena and Olivia, along with Olivia's boyfriend Michel, who brought us upstairs and welcomed us with great (and impressively fluent) conversation. When Ansuela arrived, we were served with a platter of sandwiches and veggies. Before we went to bed that night we rodeinto town with Verena, I had gone mountain biking with Herbert, Morgan had gone for a walk and baked apfelstrudel with Ansuela, and we had all eaten together and learned to play a new game!


The next two days in Salzburg were great; the family let us use their bikes to explore the city. Still, I always had the feeling that I would rather be spending time with the Braunschmids then wandering about Salzburg. For that reason, we usually made it home by 4, and passed the time drinking coffee while chatting on the terrace or playing games in the wintergarden- the dining room surrounded by windows and filled with plants.

We made frittatas for the whole gang on our last night, a small token of our thanks. That will be a memory that sticks with me for quite some time. Filling myself with food, having yet another great conversation, listening to Arcade Fire (Herbert has great taste in music). To end the night, we learned to play dopple deutsch, and they even gave us an extra set of cards to play with!


We are probably ruined for all future hosts at this point, because I don't see how the Braunschmids can be topped. Today again Morgan and I were discussing how amazing couchsurfing is.


Burpee count: 3

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