Sunday, March 8, 2009


"We were winning until Mr. Lingbloom started to play, and then Mr. Lingbloom pwned us!"

That is what one of my 12 year old students said in regards to the previous day's game of floor hockey. I was fortunate enough to land a sub job; an afternoon of floor hockey filling in for a P.E. teacher. So much fun! Especially when after the first 15 minutes I found the team that was getting stomped and joined them.

It was pretty hilarious to hear one of my students claiming the next day that I had "pwned" him. Not something that normally happens in my math class.

From Wikipedia: The term implies domination or
humiliation of a rival, used primarily in the Internet gaming culture to taunt an opponent who has just been soundly defeated (e.g. "You just got pwned!").

My favorite part of teaching is pwning 6th graders.


Nicole Kristine said...

Chris told me that you are giving him a B- and he would like an A. He asked me to ask you for an A.

Lynn said...

Morgan needs to blog more.

They have a girl scout badge for blogging.

She needs to earn it.

Bec said...

How is that even pronounced?

Tommy Lingbloom said...

Bec(ky), it's pronounced "owned" with a p in front.

Nicole, I'm not going oto just give him an A, but perhaps a pwning.