Monday, January 19, 2009

Catching Up

Here is what we have been up to the past few weeks...
New Years: Dress as your middle school self. Tommy circa 1996, Morgan circa 1998.

Lettered Streets Covenant Church:

We are part of the Launch Team for a new church in the Lettered Streets neighborhood. We have been meeting for a couple of months with a growing number of people to start to fulfill the vision of the Church. Tommy and I are especially excited to see how God will be working in our lives as we help and serve others in the community.

One of our projects has been to create a Sustainability board to display information on where people can recycle, reuse and shop locally. Here it is in the beginning stages as Tommy is lining up the handles that will hold the fliers (all of the supplies came from the ReStore!).

Bike Crash! Tandem + Ice = Ouch

We were riding our tandem bicycle on Old Lake Samish Road early Saturday morning and on our descent when we hit a patch of black ice. Tommy was able to straighten us out the first time we slipped but then as we rounded a corner, the tires flew out to the left and we toppled over to the right. I hit my head pretty hard (as evidenced by my smashed and cracked helmet) and Tommy did a bit of a roll while scraping up all of the surfaces of his body that hit the road. After walking our bike a little ways, we got back on for a slow ride home.

Lesson: do not ride your bike in January on roads that never see the light of day.


Nicole Kristine said...

HA HA HA FOREVER about your middle school selves. I have seen pictures of you, Tomersons, and you chose your outfit well.

Lynn said...

If you need or want any information about sustainability/reuse/recycling in Whatcom County or in general, I still have a ton.